Sunday 5 November 2017

Task 6b- Inquiry tools

Here is my current thinking on my inquiry and tools I plan to use

How do primary level practitioners use arts within the classroom? 

How do they use the arts?
What are the reasons for using the arts at primary education age?
Why do they use the arts?
Is there a difference between SEN schools and mainstream?
Is the arts a valued subject at primary education level?

My Inquiry Tools:

Questionnaires to staff within my school (SEN)
Questionnaires to family/friends who are primary education teachers

Currently deciding whether to do my surveys through the use of an internet source like- survey monkey and email out or paper version? any ideas or thoughts on this? 

I am going to conduct interviews with four friends who are primary education teachers within mainstream schools. They have a wide range of experience and teach a variety of age groups. Two live local so I plan to do this face to face, the other two live away so I will do this via skype.

I will also conduct interviews within my workplace one with the co-headteacher and with some of the class teachers. How many sources do you think would be good to use?

Other interview ideas-
Someone from a company called 'artis education' who I feel would help expand my thinking within this topic area. I have emailed and awaiting a  reply.
Music therapist who visits the work place I work in (maybe hard to arrange)

Inside observations- I am going to select a time period i.e. 2 weeks in which I make daily recordings of when I see the use of the arts in the classroom.

Participant observation
I am going to ask within my school if i can watch some sessions conducted by the external musical therapist who visits our school once a week.

Reviewing documents
I am going to review the curriculum for primary education and special support schools.
I am also going to try outsource some reports into this topic.
I plan to review two websites- Kennedy arts centre and Artis Education

If anyone has any thoughts, ideas or consideration to this rough plan please comment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Lauren,
    I am also facing the same dilemma as with you with what form of survey to use. I can imagine that survey monkey would make the process of analysing the data quicker, and would same time when producing it, as making our own one from scratch could be very time consuming. So as long as the participants have access to the internet I think this would be the best option.

    With the amount of sources you are looking to use - enough to gather reliable data, but not too many so that you have a mountain of information to get through and analyse.
    Emily x
