Sunday 17 September 2017

Its not about finding the perfect answer

After the welcome back Skype call today one big thing that I have taken away from it is that 'its not about finding the perfect answer' you need to 'wander and wonder'.

It was good to hear from a module 3 peer Hannah. Her advice having been through module 2 was to read anything and everything. Like life you don't know unless you try, so read/watch/listen/discuss anything and everything as you might surprise yourself. Don't just look at things because you know they are about what you want them to be about but exploring and researching to find new ideas and connections, probably something you have never thought about.

It can be scary to step into the unknown and if like me time is precious and are balancing the studies with full time employment it can be tricky to take the time to read or watch something that at the end of the day may not give you anything but you aren't going to know unless you do it and dedicate time to this.

So lets wonder and wander together and who knows where the path will lead and where we will end up.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost like testing out the water with many different things - it's Russian roulette as to what we experiences we find to be relevant to our professional practice or not.
