Wednesday 13 September 2017

Reflection on module 1 feedback

Its that time again to start the blogging. Welcome back everyone and I hope you have all had a good summer.

I recently went to Yoga convention and on one of the stalls you could pick out a quote. The one I happened to pick out said 'be proud of yourself for how hard you are trying'. I feel I can apply this to the work that I did in module 1. My feedback reflected this but now I ask myself how can I further improve and what have I learnt from this in order for me to progress further?
One area that my feedback highlights is the importance of the use of others. Through the use of more arts based theories and the work of other authors I hope to develop my practice. I intend doing this by making a real effort with the research aspect of the next module to outsource new ideas and theories.

I also hope to improve my oral communication skills to develop my ideas further. I have always struggled to put into words my ideas/thought/feelings and verbally communicate them. A few moments when I did discuss ideas with others I found it opened so many doors. I look forward to more involvement in the Skype conversations and sharing my work with work colleagues as my studies develop into the inquiry stage.


  1. Hey Lauren,
    It feels as if we really have had a break and now we are back to the blogging board! I have to say I share your intent to outsource material in this upcoming module. I feel it will add to a more rounded experience. I feel as if I did not put quite enough reading time into my previous module.
    On a side note, the yoga convention you attended sounds great. I am going on a short holiday in early October and I intend to use it as my own 'holistic retreat' - plenty of exercise, healthy food and most importantly time to reflect. Hopefully see / talk to you at the Skype session this Saturday.

  2. That is a very relevant quote and you should be proud of how hard you worked in Module 1!!! Now we are back to blogging! I couldn't agree more, reading other material is definitely where I lacked depth in my last assignment. But, we know now all thanks to our new skill of reflection!!!
