Sunday 17 September 2017

Module 2 goals

I have written this for myself to look back on but this may help others

Goals and things to remember in module 2-

Set study times
Take movement breaks
Set a time to finish working- 9.30 pm.
Dont make an assumption or just try to prove your self right.
Shift and change will happen and thats fine
Its not about finding the perfect answer
Its about the journey not the destination
Reference from the beginning
Do lots of research- read/watch/talk about anything and everything!


  1. These are really useful tips to get started with, I will be checking back every so often to see if I am still using them.

  2. I think as self employed workers & performers it is in our nature to be organised and on top of life. This bodes well with the organisational aspect of the course. However, we may always want to be ahead of ourselves - which isn't necessarily a good thing when it comes to the discovery side of our module. Exploring the inquiry subjects and possibilities is quite daunting to me as I do like to pin down what I need to do in a checklist fashion and 'complete' things. So it will be interesting to see how this method of study goes for us!
    Also, referencing as I go is something I will be doing more of too. Just jotting down the references at the bottom page of my journal would even be a help.

  3. I love how simple this blog is yet so affective. The short words above just remind me that it is ok to not always feel like you are getting somewhere. It is a process and sometimes I can be very impatient with myself and put too much pressure on myself. Having set study times has always helped me massively and I am also going to make sure I reference from the beginning as in module 1 it became a panic towards the end.

  4. It is becoming more and more apparent that making good use of our time is vital. We can complete the tasks but there is so much more to our studies. I am going to connect with people that our on the borders of the work that I do to see how they see my practice.
