Sunday 9 April 2017

Task 3a Current Networks

Networking is highly valuable to continuing professional development. I believe its a combination of what you know and who you know that can be the creator of opportunities to help with this. The who you know is developed from networking in turn this effects what you know as we learn for everyone that we meet be.

From mapping out my communities of practice (see previous blog) I have a wide range of current networks. From formal to informal to close proximity and wide distribution, with a wide variety of roles and status within the profession.

The main way I engage most of these networks is through the use of Web 2.0
One of my current networks within my practice is friendships who are linked to the Arts industry. They are the main source to keep me up to date with the 'arts' industry. Due to accessibility, location, time. The ease of access to web 2.0 allows me to keep connected and engaged with this network. Sometimes using these technologies allows networking to happen without even realising realising. As there is such a fine line between professional/personal (as discovered from looking at professional communication technologies) in using these social media sites I believe how I approach them has massive impact as to whether my networks expand and opportunities increase or they are hindered to creating new opportunities. 
My approach to using these sites either personal or professional I always try adopt a professional manner. Thinking about my language, my personna portrayed, ethical considerations (could I offend anyone? single anyone out?) and would I want my grandparents to see this? Having this approach I feel should not effect the developments of me networking as a professional. 

Within my current networks I have a lot of people who are similar and like minded. Professional, ambitious, motivated, love what they do. I think what motives them to be in the network is sharing the same passions, ideas, and skills. I believe they have the purpose to continue to develop themself professionally. However there is always the occasional person that you do find that doesn't want this. In my ideal network I would not have those people around I like to be surround by those who are professional, positive, have passion and excitement for what they do. I think becoming aware of this is a key factor and hope to never allow this to happen to myself. 

I feel I know a lot about my current networks and how to communicate as a professional 'artist'. But for my intended networks to capitalise and for my practice to develop as an 'educator' I need to review how I could do this.

I found this article very useful in explaining the benefits of social networking for teachers-
The idea of "harnessing collective" (MDXa, 2017) explored comes to mind as currently the social media tools I use are filled with performers, health, fitness arts related subjects and not much of other sectors. The idea that are we actually developing intelligence from the web 2.0 if we are surrounded by those with similar interests, passions, practices becomes apparent. I intend to find out more experienced practitioners, organisations, technologies, sources of information to develop my professional network. I feel this will come overtime with use of the internet, searching and following others  on social media sites and discussions with colleagues. Having reflected on my journey on the course so far I can see my networks and tools/methods I use have expanded already.  I now regularly read ' Teacher network' from the guardian, I try attend one of the organised social activities at my school (a bootcamp class or a mindful meditation class) in order to build a stronger relationship with colleagues; read the blogs of other BAPP students; have changed privacy settings on my online profiles, in order protect myself professionally; and started using pinterest- from discussion I found this was a tool many educators use to create and share ideas.

Have you asked yourself have your professional networks changed or developed since starting the course?

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