Sunday 19 March 2017

Task 2b: Journal writing experience

My studies the past few weeks has been all over the place, due to my organisation, time, not being able to access Unihub, find the reader etc. Ive not really known what I am supposed to be doing for the tasks for section 2 but I did know start to my journal which I did about 2 weeks ago. Writing a journal was not a strange concept to me, its something I started last year whilst on a contract for personal learning and self development. I also have one of the five year reflection books.
Without really knowing/understanding, following a format or thinking how or what style I was writing in I started my journal.

Today I have got things back on track and referred back to the handbook. I looked at task 2b: reflective writing and saw the different techniques to try out. Having looked back across my journal entries it was apparent I have actually used majority of the techniques listed in the handbook. Below is my brief analysis on the different techniques for reflective journal writing-

Description- I asked myself questions who? what? where? what worked? what didn't work? what could I have done differently? I found these all very good starting points but it didn't expand my thinking. It is a good way to remember the key events and but for me doesn't distinctly provide deep critical reflection.

Initial reflection- I have found this technique highly useful and provided more in depth reflection. But for this to happen I have to record my initial thoughts and feelings (as I have found these are the things that you forget very easily) and then expand when I have time. It allowed me to explore my ideas, create new ideas, and come up ethical considerations.  I feel most at ease using this technique it gives me the freedom to write with 'no rules' and found it therapeutic.

List- Writing a list is something I am a big fan of. I tend to write lists for everything from my shopping list; to things to do today, this week, next week, this year, in my lifetime. As a reflective tool I find they are effective for me and do help to expand my ideas but it didn't deepen my writing extensively. My writing was clear, fast paced and stopped me rambling.

Evaluation- In some situations I found evaluating useful and effective but on some days not so useful. Now it comes to reflecting about why I think this is. The events I have found difficult to evaluate are the ones that I am most familiar with/happen on a regular basis as I am not used thinking in depth about the things I do regularly. I am going to try out evaluation as a way of writing again and in more depth.

Graphs, charts, and diagrams- 
Considering I am a visual learner. I have find it hard to explore reflectively in a visual format. Unless I have a solid understanding I find this technique difficult. One time I experimented with a mind map was after attending helping out at dance competition. Reflecting on the day highlighted the importance of the 'Arts' as an extra curricular activity for young child and I choose to explore how through a mind map-

Reflecting on this I think the use of mind maps as a journal technique is good. I like the visual aspect and it helped expand my ideas and thoughts of the topic.

What if? I feel using this question is a good way to critically reflect and helped raise ethical considerations. I think this would be a good question to combine with evaluation.

Another view: I have yet to try this from the perspective of an object, something that I am going to try do but I have tried it from the perspective of 'a pupil' in my class. I asked the questions- If I was a pupil in the class would I have enjoyed it? What do I think they have gained? I found this quite a useful technique

What have I learnt from this exercise? 

I have found that working with children with SEN, having two jobs, and generally a busy lifestyle my days are very fast paced and interchangeable. I find writing list of things events, thoughts, ideas, be this on my phone, scrap piece of paper, in my journal, whatever is handy at the time is a good thing for me to do. At night I can then look back at this list and expanded further.

So far I have found the most effective way to deepen the way I write reflectively is through looking at my initial reflection of thoughts, feelings, moods. I think I will continue to use this technique but
now I am consciously aware of the different techniques I am going to try some of them again in more depth and see which I find to be most effective in deepening the way I write.

I am interested in hearing what ways people have found most effective for their journal writing so please comment and blog.

 My journals (this is just a small selction of the notebooks I own and use!)


  1. Hi Lauren, really great to see that not everything works for everyone as I found some things didn't work for me either! I agree with your idea of list making so you can go over it later on, it's a great little reminder of the smaller details we often forget!

  2. Gorgeous journal!
    Definitely can relate with using the techniques of journal writing without even realising. This just shows these techniques are based on what works.
    I like the technique of 'expanding when you have time' - I have found that I end up writing in-depth about an event a few days after this has happened - and this always offers more intriguing realisations.
    I feel as if my whole life is in lists! Like yourself, I am a fan of lists. Personally, I visualise better when they are written on a piece of paper rather than on my phone.
    Two things I want to try out after reading about your experiences are mind maps and putting myself in someone else's shoes.
    A technique which I have found incredibly effective is asking open-ended questions, and later referring back to them to see has my reflection furthered.

  3. Really interesting and accessible blog post! I have been the same with this section of the module, not sure where to start, writing my journal but then not knowing what to do with it. Reading this has really helped me!!! Especially seeing as we are going through the same changes.
