Sunday 1 October 2017

Reader 4- Organisational learning theories

For me reading further into the double loop theory Smith, M.K. (2001, 2013) has created some clarity in my mind that I feel will help developing my line of inquiry.

'Double loop learning helps us to identify a phenomenon (and problem) and a possible way of 'learning our way out' (Finger and Austin 2000). It 'occurs when error is detetced' Smith, M.K. (2001, 2013).

Relating this to my practice I asked myself what errors have I identified within my professional practice-

  • My personal stress levels having an impact on my teaching style. 
  • Not knowing what persona to have when conducting a class- strict or friendly
  • Lack of knowledge from other peers about the process of learning 
  • Engagement of children with music and movement in the classroom and not enough is being done to incorporate it. 
  • To much focus in education on maths, english, academic subjects. 
  • Teachers not demonstrating a healthy life. Complaints on work load, stress levels. 

Argyris and Schons model used to 'describe features of theories in-use that either inhibit or enhance double loop learning' Smith, M.K. (2001, 2013) helped identify the qualities I should intend to imply so that i don't 'inhibit double loop learning' instead 'enhance' Smith, M. K (2001, 2013).  Model 2 'looks to include the views and experiences of participants rather than seeking to impose a view upon the situation'. This I can relate back to what I discovered previously that an inquiry topic shouldn't be just to prove yourself right and that you shouldn't assume an answer. I had previously mentioned looking at obesity and childhood anxiety but feel if i was to choose these topics it is to prove a point.

'Members are continually engaged in attempting to know the organisation and to know themselves in the context of the organisation. At the same time their continuing efforts to know and to test their knowledge represent the object of their inquiry' Smith , M.K. (2001, 2013)

This helped me clarify that I would like to base my inquiry within the SEN school workplace. I see myself continuing within the educational environment and as this is an unfamiliar setting for me basing my inquiry there I feel will help me become more familiar of myself and the context of an education setting. It will also help test my knowledge as I continue transitioning from a professional artist to an educator within an education setting. This was re confirmed looking into knowledge and skills in a workplace that 'sometime the boundaries of professional inquiry relate to what is required by the next step in someones career as much as solving problems about existing work situations'.

In order for the process of organisational learning to take place 'the focus is on individual and group interactions' Smith M.K. 92001, 2013) This made me question who is going to be my most reliable work based learning organisation to engage with? A school can be ever changing with staffing, policies, commitments, pupils and I have a very strong connection with the dance school I teach at. Something I need to consider further.

‘Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning’, the encyclopedia of informal education. [ Retrieved: 1/10/17

Finger, M. and AsĂșn, M. (2000) Adult Education at the Crossroads. Learning our way out, London: Zed Books.

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