Sunday 29 October 2017

Task 5b- code of practice and regulations- education workplace

Codes of practice are what I must adhere to and steer the ethical framework in my work place.

It was interesting to discover there isn't a code of practice for the role of a teaching assistant. However as I work in a special educational needs schools there is a code of practice for children with SEN aged 0-25

As the working environment/nature is different in a SEN school I do have a lot more responsibility and duties and I would like to feel I do/ should follow the code of practice of a teacher.
Here is the link for code of practice as a teacher within education

It was interesting to see that the qualities laid out in that policy cover many of what I felt are expected  and apply in my practice.

I have also referred to my staff handbook and looked specifically what apply to my work environment   which are covered in the standards of conduct policy.
Areas covered:

  1. Standards
  2. Disclosure of information 
  3. Political neutrality 
  4. Professional responsibilities and personal relationships
  5. Contractors 
  6. Appointment and other employment matters 
  7. Outside commitments 
  8. Personal interests
  9. Equality issues 
  10. Corruption 
  11. Gifts and hospitality 
  12. Use of financial and other resources
  13. Complaints and about malpractice 
  14. Social Media 
  15. Contact with press and media 
  16. Talks to outside bodies- radio, television interviews, contributions to publications etc 
  17. smoking 
In terms of my inquiry point 7 is something I need to take into consideration whilst conducting my inquiry and ensure to follow procedures so I do not break this conduct procedure within my workplace. 

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