Sunday 1 October 2017

Module 2- the awakening to the learning process

Over the past two weeks I have been trying to make a real conscious effort to get stuck back into my studies, looking at the reader but not really taking anything in, feeling pressured to have know my topic of inquiry but was slowly beginning to get frustrated I was just going round in circles becoming none the wiser of where I wanted to go with it or gaining understanding of what I was supposed to be doing. So this weekend I have taken the time to stop, breathe, re read, break things down and go at a steady pace instead of trying to jump to the finish line and just focusing on the inquiry topic. The quote of 'trusting in the process' springs to mind. As a result I have come to the realisation that there is so much more to this course other than the end result of your inquiry. Re reading the reader and further sources mentioned I have a greater understanding of the process of learning we are using, the skills I could gain, 'the point of education should not be to insulate a body of knowledge but to develop capabilities, the basic ones of literacy and numeracy as we'll as the capability to act responsibly towards others, to take initiative and to work creative and collabroatively' Leadbeater, C. (2000)
and been reminded at this stage it is not all about finding the 'perfect' topic of inquiry but instead its all of the bits in between.

I ended up spending some time looking at the types of knowledge and was remninded that a lot of knowledge used in this course is 'tacit' knowledge below are some images that help explain this. 

As Adesola mention in her starting back blog- I feel I have know woken up and are engaged within it' 

For anyone else who is struggling to get back into the process and has quite woken up I would highly recommend that you stop , take some deep breaths, take a few steps back, go at a steady pace, don't just think about the inquiry topic and then watch as you turn a corner onto a new path.

Leadbeater, C (2000) Living on thin air, The new economy, London, Penguin.


  1. This is brilliant as I have had similar feelings. I particularly like 'trusting in the process's. I have been trying to broaden my reading list of topics which I am interested in. Reading has a strong correlation with my studies yet it feels indirect and enjoyable.

  2. This has been the perfect read for me. Over the past few weeks I have found myself getting frustrated at the reader when I am not understanding or gaining as much knowledge as I would like. I took a few days break away and got everything else sorted and come back with a clear head. I am going to take this weekend to get back into it and hopefully this time take it slower and understanding more like you did Lauren.
    Thanks for sharing.
